I've always been happiest when I'm being creative. Growing up in a household of talented people, I had influence all around me. My dad has always been an amazing piano player and has been playing with bands all over New England for years. My mother has always been a talented crafter, always up on the latest trends, and even ran her own ceramic studio out of our home. Sadly she gave it up when she felt it was causing problems with my asthma when I was a kid. My brother has been in the music industry for a long time as well, and is a well-respected DJ in many parts of the world.

So naturally I found my place in the art world as well. I started with drawing with pen and ink, and somehow moved on to polymer clay. When I was in my early thirties, I finally took that sewing course I had always wanted to take, and I finally found the one craft I've stuck with ever since. After breaking my leg and ankle, I spent a lot of time healing at home, and focusing on honing my sewing skills.

Doing all these crafts left me to wonder, "What do I do with all this stuff?". I remember looking through a craft magazine and reading about Etsy. I thought, "Hey, I could try selling the things I make!"...that's where it all started, and so Tee Hawk Designs was born.

My full time job is in Graphic Design (naturally), but I find that I don't get the artistic freedom that I crave when working for someone else. This has led me to open my second shop, Crow Hop Party Shop, where I get to make my ideas come to life.

So how does this all tie into the title, Crafting for a Cause? It's all because of that photo you see here of one sweet little beagle named Emily. Just a few short months after my husband and I bought our home, we both lost our jobs on the same day due to the economic downfall.

We struggled and sacrificed to make ends meet. Our entire lives changed. It was difficult in ways I never imagined. I never thought I'd find myself in this situation. College educated and with a good job up until that point, I didn't know what to expect and wasn't ready for the things to come. To make matters worse, Emily was diagnosed with cancer. She had mast cell tumors that needed to be removed. A very costly operation, but I was desperate to do ANYTHING to help her.

The amazing vets at the VCA recommended that I speak with a woman at this wonderful foundation, Paws 4 A Cure. She started the foundation after she found herself struggling to pay for her dog's cancer treatments, and decided she didn't want anyone else to go through the same thing. She was a Godsend. She helped us help Emily, and I always will be greatful for it. So now that I'm working to get this business off the ground and running, I've decided I want to give back in any way that I can. I have made a pledge to donate 10% of all sales to Paws 4 A Cure from now until the end of the year. So even if you don't wish to purchase anything from my shops, please consider making a donation to http://www.paws4acure.org It could save a life, it could save a family.


    My name is Cheryl Shannon. Friends call me Cherie. I've always dreamed of owning my own business. This is just the beginning. I plan to make this blog about my journey, both personal and business related. I'd love to network with others who have started from the ground up!


    November 2013


    Non Profit